To Contact Board Members or the POA: call 579-2044 or e-mail at
Joe Watts – President, John Csernecky – Vice President, Kerry Jarrell – Treasurer, Sue Hensler – Secretary,
Kelly Wilson – Director, Julia Lally – Director, Philip Laura – Director, Jeff Alt – Director
Merrilee Burns – Co-Editor Linda Rugg – Co-Editor
Bulletin email:
CSPOA website:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Message from the Board – Joe Watts, President
It is surprising that shortly after Labor Day each year the season starts to change and is enjoyed by all of us. We enjoy the change from dry, hot and humid days to crisp cooler mornings and chilly nights. The walks on the beach are more inviting and pleasurable. The yard work slows down and our time outside is more agreeable to each of us. Carolina Shores is a wonderful place to live and embrace a less hurried life. We are all blessed to be here! The Seven Wonders of the World story below brings a different perspective from places to us as individuals. I hope you enjoy reading!
The Seven Wonders of the World
A group of American school children were asked to list what they thought were the present “Seven Wonders of the World”. Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes:
1-Egypt's Great Pyramids
2-Taj Mahal
3-Grand Canyon
4-Panama Canal
5-Empire State Building
6-St. Peter’s Basilica
7-Great Wall of China
While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So, she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. “Yes, a little the girl replied. I could not make up my mind because there are so many”. The teacher said, “Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help”. The girl then read the following:
1-To see
2-To hear
3-To touch
4-To taste
5-To feel
6-To laugh
7-To love
The most precious things in life may be right in front of you!
Adapted, Author Unknown
October 12, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. – MONTHLY BOARD MEETING AT THE CLUBHOUSE.
Please remember to notify the office if you change your phone number, email address, name, or mailing address. It is extremely easy to overlook this, but difficult for the office should we need to contact you. Thank you.
How to Submit Articles to the Bulletin
The DEADLINE for submitting articles for the Bulletin is 5:00 p.m. on the 20th of each month for the following month’s issue.
YOU MUST EMAIL ARTICLES to: Do not use the office email. Be sure to include the name of the activity in the “subject” line of your email. Thank you.
2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION – Nominating Committee
We are asking property owners in good standing to
consider serving on the Board of Directors. We all have something to contribute
and service on the Board will allow you to put your knowledge, skills and
experience to work, making Carolina Shores Community the best place to live.
Nominations will open on September 19, 2022, and will close on October 31, 2022.
Applications can be picked up at the CSPOA Office during regular business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or from the POA website at If you have any questions, feel free to call the CSPOA office or a current board member. Thank you for considering being a member of your POA Board.
Term of Office is for two (2) years.
Three (3) Director positions are open.
Recreation Facilities – Kelly Wilson
The targeted pool closing date is October 17, depending on the weather. With the storm coming in Friday, September 30, the umbrellas will be taken down and chair stacked Thursday afternoon. After the storm, the pool will reopen but only replacing a few umbrellas taken down as all are not needed and keep a few chairs stacked up.
LAP SWIMMING 9:00 TO 10 a.m.
WATER AEROBICS 10:00 TO 11 a.m.
OPEN SWIMMING 11:00 TO 5:00 p.m.
ACC Corner – Joe Rochel, ACC Chairperson
Well looks like Autumn is finally going to be here this Month. I wish everyone a wonderful new season. I have a few new topics to address to the community.
I am pleased to say we have closed three new homes that were in construction. I am sure the homeowners nearby these new homes are pleased!
The concrete headwalls in our neighborhood are showing signs of aging from the exterior elements of rain, cold and sun. My suggestion for all is to monitor the headwalls on your property for signs of cracking and leaning due to rain erosion around the base of the headwalls. I know firsthand it is easier to address these issues earlier than later. Please remember we have a list of masonry Contractors that have been doing work in Carolina Shores. I believe they will assist you fixing small fractures/cracks. Please don’t hesitate to call if you need help.
You need a permit for a steel construction debris container from the CSPOA office. Please obtain a permit to avoid receiving letters of violation. I am sure you will be happy to hear these permitted containers CAN be placed on your driveway! Please don’t place these on any grass area since that would be a problem. I am grateful for your assistance.
And, last but not least is my recommendations about lawns and shrubs for this time of year. I guess by now you are getting use to me passing on my lifelong quest to have a great yard! So let me get to the point. This month is a GREAT time to put down a fall/ winter mix of high phosphoric acid fertilizer mixed with weed prevention to stop the fall weeds from starting to grow in your lawn. Due to the cooling down temperatures, now is a good time to trim those evergreen shrubs to a shape you like. REMEMBER do not trim more than 50 percent of any shrub; that would injure the shrub and possibly kill that shrub you like. The best time to trim deciduous shrubs, meaning leaves that fall of in winter, is when the leaves are almost completely done. The trimming will help them grow stronger next spring. I will continue with information like this in this winter starting November. There are certain trees best trimmed later in November to January. For more information, contact the Master Gardeners in Bolivia.
Fall 2022 Yard Sale – Kirsten Forehand
I just want to personally take the time to thank each and every participating family in the FALL yard sale! What a huge success. We had over 63 families AND WHAT GREAT STUFF everyone had! We will have a Spring Sale in APRIL of 2023. My co-coordinator Brenda Edwards will be back, and we will both be helping with the Spring Sale. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at any time.
Thank you Again
Kirsten Forehand
Recreation Committee – Mary Ann Williams
A very special end-of-season Happy
Hour in the Park will be held on Friday, October 21, at
5:00 p.m. - complete with a DJ, s’mores, and door prizes! Come out and
enjoy an evening of music and dancing under the POA pavilion by the
pool. BYOB and any snacks to share. Hope to see you there!
Additionally, the traditional Thanksgiving dinner will be held November 24 and the annual POA Christmas parties will be held on December 2 and 3 at the Elks Lodge in Calabash. The second annual POA Cookie Exchange will take place on Sunday, December 18. All event details will be in upcoming bulletins but it’s never too early to start planning ahead!
Cornhole & Bocce Game Night at the Park – Rick Griffith
When: Friday October 7 at 5:00 p.m.
Where: CSPOA Pavilion Area
What: Fun playing Cornhole & Bocce (never played, we'll teach you)
Bring: Bring your own Food & Drinks
This will be our LAST Game Night until April. Here's a chance to get out, have some fun and meet new people. We had over 40 people at our Game Night in September.
New to the area and are looking to meet your neighbors? This is a great place to do it. Hope to see many of you there.
Rick Griffith
Halloween Party – Mary Timothy
Halloween is almost here and time to get your costume ready. The Halloween Party will be held at the POA clubhouse October 31 at 5 p.m. Bring a dish to share and BYOB. The party will be filled with games and prizes. Costumes are mandatory. Come share the spooky activities.
Fifth Annual Craft Sale – Mary Timothy
The Fifth Annual Craft Sale will be held Saturday, November 26, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The sale will be held in the POA clubhouse. If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact Mary Timothy at The craft sale will be open to the public. Come and do your Holiday shopping.
Garden Club – Charlotte Csernecky
The Garden Club held its
first meeting of the year on September 14 which was very well attended. Our
presenter was Gary Baird, a professional photographer, who gave us a beautiful
presentation on backyard birds and birds in our area. The photographs were
beautiful and enjoyed by all.
Our October 12 meeting will be a presentation
on pruning by Tom Woods, Extension Agent for Agriculture-Horticulture. We are
all looking forward to this!
The Carolina Shores Garden Club is open to
anyone who has a desire to enhance their gardening skills and knowledge, or
simply enjoys and appreciates the beauty of nature. It is also a great way to
meet new friends and socialize.
The Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of
the month, September to May, 1:00 p.m. at the POA clubhouse, 17 Lakeview
Ct. Dues are $10/year. Please contact Mary Conover at 703-409-9612 if you have
any questions.
Chair Aerobics – Mary Timothy
Time to exercise indoors. The pool is too cold. Chair Aerobics will start Tuesday October 18. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Let’s stay in shape all winter. Bring weights (I suggest 1-pound weights). And a bottle of water. It is fun to exercise with friends.
Tennis – Joyce Disano
Join us for open tennis starting at 8:30
a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Carolina Shores tennis courts. Wear
proper court shoes. Hope to see you there.
Pickleball - Rick Griffith & Sue Berger
Saturday, October 1, is
our Pickleball Social with Calabash Lakes. It will be held at our Carolina Shores
pickleball courts at 9:30 a.m. Thanks to all who have signed up.
Registration is full and closed. Please feel free to come out and cheer us
OPEN PLAY is cancelled for October 1.
Our NEW Open Play Schedule will start October 4 on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
*Carolina Shores "Open Play" pickleball is for players of ALL levels of experience including beginners. It is NOT a league or team competition. It is recreational as well as social. Beginners are encouraged to learn and play.
Balls are provided during scheduled "Open Play". Please wear "Court" / Tennis Shoes and comfortable clothing.
We recently held an "Intro to Pickleball Class and we had seventeen people come out. We have a lot of new faces (Newbies) now playing with us.
If you're interested in learning how to play pickleball, please contact Rick or Sue.
Check out this site on how to play: How to Play Pickleball - USA Pickleball or go to (www.
Rick Griffith 419.262.3832 /
Sue Berger 919.410.1221 /
We hope to see you at the courts!!
Book Discussion Group – Susie Riggs
Choosing books to read during the coming year was the main order of business at our September meeting. Each member submitted one title to be included in our reading list for October 2022 through September 2023. It’s always exciting to see what books our members come up with, so it was a very enjoyable meeting.
We also discussed the novel Hanna’s Daughters by Swedish author Marianne Fredricksson. Translated into English from its native language, it is the story of the relationships of three generations of mothers and daughters set among the frigid lakes and mountains near the border of Sweden and Norway beginning in the 1870s. While the story was at times difficult to follow due to alternating time periods and similar character names, we enjoyed learning about formerly unknown (to us) pieces of history such as the 1870s Swedish-Norwegian Union Crisis and reading about the lives of the hearty women and men who inhabited this region.
On Friday, October 21, at 10:00 a.m., we will meet at POA clubhouse to discuss the first book on our new list, The Maid by Nita Prose. The meeting will be followed by an Octoberfest themed pot-luck luncheon with members bringing a dish to go along with the theme. Please contact Pat McKay by e-mail or phone (910-579-9550) to let her know what food you are bringing to share.
As always, we invite all interested residents of Carolina Shores to join us. October would be a great time to try us out since we are starting on our new reading list which will be published in its entirety in the November Bulletin. Anyone desiring a list of books before the next bulletin comes out may contact Pat McKay or Susie Riggs (843-340-3822) for a copy.
Knit ‘n Natter – Diana Mardall
The knitting group will meet this month
on the following Mondays, October 10 and 24, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.
If you have any questions, email me at or call me at 910-575-7804.
Quilting Group – Gloria Gustavson
The quilters meet on the 2nd and 4th
Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the POA clubhouse. Our group is small,
and we would love to grow and meet new folks. We welcome quilters of all
levels. If interested, come check us out. If you have any questions, you
can call me at (910) 297-0066.
Care Team – Flo Pflaster
We have many volunteers
on the Care Team, ready and willing to help our neighbors with temporary
assistance. I will do whatever I can to find someone to help - all you need do
is call or email me!
For those of you who have volunteered to help others by being on the Care Team, here is how you make sure you are getting notifications when I post a request:
How to control all email notification settings (including groups)
1. Log in to and click your profile picture in the top right corner.
2. Select Settings from the drop-down.
3. Select Notifications from the left menu:
4. Next to Email Notifications, select Edit
5. If you set Updates from your local area to None then you will not receive email notifications from your groups.
6. If you set it to Only top posts or All you will get an email for every new group post. (choose this one)
Note: Adjusting these settings will affect all your email notifications, not just for groups.
If you want to be a part of this team or if you no longer want to be on the list, please let me know. There are not many calls for help, but people are so very grateful for the assistance they do get! It really does not take much to volunteer. Help with a small chore at home, an occasional ride, a temporary need for dog walking, etc. is usually what is needed. So, neighbors, continue to let me know if you need help and I will do my best to find someone.
Thank you,
575-6243 home
368-1070 cell
New Neighbors – Flo Pflaster, Margie Pettersen and Charlotte Csernecky
Name: Angela and Owen Metts
Address: 2 Gate 2
Phone: Angela; 910-297-2517, Owen; 910-297-6997
Angela and Owen moved here from the Wilmington area, where she was raised, and Owen is originally from Brunswick County. Owen is an entrepreneur who is involved in many projects including real estate, financial planning, insurance and home and business renovations. He is a member of many Boards as a director. Angela is a retired educator and is Owen’s assistant. He has been elected “Entrepreneur of the Year” and in September was honored with a dinner and special weekend events in Wilmington. Angela loves to do interior decorating and play golf. When they have free time, they enjoy traveling. They have one son who lives in California.
If you recently purchased a home in Carolina Shores and have not been greeted by the Welcoming Committee, please contact Flo at 575-6243 or
I would like to thank Lucille Pederson who cared for my friend Carol. She made Carol's last months of cancer a little easier. She is both friendly and knowledgeable and I would recommend her to anyone looking for a caregiver.
Halla Cramer
In Memoriam Rich Hamilton |
Sales and Services
DISCLAIMER: The CSPOA assumes no responsibility for the services provided in the following ads. It is the customers’ responsibility to find out if the service provider is BONDED AND/OR INSURED.
For help with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD – Get help now. Call Gaye Lynn Schankweiler, Licensed Professional Counselor –Cell: 303-378-2204 |
9222 Beach Dr., Calabash: 910-409-1230 New customer specials: Mens’ cuts - $10.00, Color and Cut - $60.00, and Partial Highlight, Cut, Style - $70.00 |
Sales, Repairs and Rentals Vision Square, Calabash – 10195 Beach Drive, Unit 12
“For Sale” ads must be renewed by the 20th of every month to appear in the the following month’s bulletin. Business ads must be renewed every three months as follows: by the 20th of May for June, July and August bulletins; by the 20th of August for September, October and November bulletins; by the 20th of November for December, January and February bulletins; and 20th of February for March, April and May bulletins. |
Pavilion and Recreation Area Calendar for October 2022 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 9:30 Pickleball Social
No open play |
8:30 Tennis |
5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis |
9:00 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis
5:00 Corn Hole & Bocce |
9:00 Pickleball |
2:00 Oktoberfest |
8:30 Tennis |
5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis |
9:00 Pickleball |
14 8:30 Tennis
9:00 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis |
5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis |
9:00 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis 5:00 Happy Hour in the Park |
9:00 Pickleball |
23 |
8:30 Tennis |
5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis |
9:00 Pickleball 7 |
28 |
9:00 Pickleball |
30 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
2 |
3 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row
6:30 Bunco |
8:00 Exercise
6 10:00 Mah Jongg 4:00 Rec Committee 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Dominos 7:00 Men’s Poker |
7 8:00 Exercise 6:00 Friday Night Cards |
9 |
10 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row 6:30 Knit ‘n’ Natter |
1:00 Tuesday Poker
6:00 Bunco |
12 8:00 Exercise 9:30 Board Mtg 1:00 Garden Club 7:00 Bunco |
13 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Dominos 7:00 Men’s Poker |
14 8:00 Exercise 10:00 Quilting / Needlework Guild 6:00 Friday Night Cards
12:00 Aerobics Luncheon |
17 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row
9:00 Chair Aerobics
8:00 Exercise
20 9:00 Chair Aerobics 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Dominos 7:00 Men’s Poker |
21 8:00 Exercise 10:00 Book Discussion Group 6:00 Friday Night Cards
9:00 Chair Aerobics
23 |
24 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row 6:30 Knit ‘n’ Natter |
9:00 Chair Aerobics
1:00 Tuesday Poker
8:00 Exercise
10:00 Mexican Train
27 9:00 Chair Aerobics 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Dominos 7:00 Men’s Poker |
28 8:00 Exercise 10:00 Quilting / Needlework Guild 6:00 Friday Night Cards
9:00 Chair Aerobics
30 |
31 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 5:00 Halloween Party 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row
Recycle Center Schedule Windshield Sticker Required Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 12 noon. Closed Sundays Please check the town website for adjusted hours.
2022 Holiday Schedule: January 1, January 17, April 15, May 30, June 19, July 4, September 5, November 11, November 24, December 25.